• GEM+
  • Our objectives
  • Press release

A precious stone* has emerged in the Brussels and European third sector landscape: “For Multilingual Governance in Europe” – GEM+

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A precious stone* has emerged in the Brussels and European third sector landscape:
“For Multilingual Governance in Europe” – GEM+

On 4 December 2014, fifty two European citizens from ten countries, living in several member states and speaking some fifteen languages, founded the association GEM+ in Brussels. The purpose of GEM+ is to take action to promote multilingualism in the European institutions and their environment.
Article 3 of the European Union Treaty affirms the Union’s attachment to “the richness of its cultural and linguistic diversity”. At GEM+ we see multilingualism as a precious asset for all Europeans, akin to a precious stone: gem* (en), une gemme* (fr) – gem* (lt), gemma* (it), gema* (es), geam* (ga), gem* (mt), etc.
We believe that we must not stand by and let linguistic diversity disappear and be replaced by monolinguism – with all its impoverishing effects and concomitant neglect of European history, culture, society and thought.

GEM+ will be made up of working groups that will engage in advocacy and formulate proposals for action in favour linguistic diversity, making the case to European and national policy-makers and all relevant organisations involved in the construction of Europe. We believe that such action will improve European governance, communication and policies.

The Association Board is at your service to answer any questions relating to membership, provide further information and listen to your suggestions: info@gem-plus.eu